
The challenges of the 21st century demand a skilled, technical citizenry and H2AC provides students with  hands-on experience that will open them to a world of career and education opportunities.

Why H2AC

7.7 million jobs worldwide in renewable energy
in 2014, increase of 18% over 2013 (IRENA)



Benefits of H2AC

Over the course of our program, students will work collaboratively, bringing their car from the design stages through prototyping and manufacture, as well as engaging with chemistry, physics, engineering, and math problems along the way. The program culminates in an evening of design judging and video presentations followed by a 6-hour endurance race day where students are in charge of everything from running and maintaining the car to planning, designing, and implementing solutions to the problems they encounter.




More from H2AC

In addition to learning to work together to complete a complex, long-term engineering project, students are exposed to many different technologies related to renewable energy through lab activities and reading materials. Pre- and post-event studies allow for comparison of student and teacher experiences and the ability to measure the impact and overall effects of the H2AC experience.


Impact of H2AC

100% of participating students surveyed said they want to participate again.
More than 93% of responding teachers rated their students’ H2AC experience as either: “very engaging overall” or “one of the best experiences they could have possibly had.”


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The application should take you approximately 15 minutes

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