Hearing that new schools are interested in doing H2AC is always a plus here. When we started recruiting new teams for 2016, Satellite High School was a welcome surprise to us all. The beauty of what we do is we have a mix of teams that either are brand new to STEM projects or have been doing robotics successfully through multiple avenues for years.
Satellite’s STEM Coach, Charles Krininger told me their school’s story to how they came to do robotics and since then, we’ve been excited to see what they’re going to do in 2016 with H2AC. Satellite is often seen doing cool and awesome activities throughout their community to promote STEM and that’s something can really get behind here at Horizon.
Now let’s have Chas answer some questions about why he wants his Bots of the Round Table (Follow them @Bots3233 on Twitter) to compete in 2016.
Why do you as a teacher want to volunteer your time to coach your team?
I feel that it provide our robotics team with a way to see how their work on building robots, construction/ programming, could be applied to practical use. Plus, I want my students to understand were alternative energy is in a development. Finally, I hope that will provide another opportunity for students to get interested in STEAM.
How will participating in this competition benefit your students’ familiarity with renewable energy & their opinions on further education and careers opportunities in STEM related fields?
It provide our robotics team with a way to see how their work on building robots, construction/ programming, could be applied to practical use. Plus, I want my students to understand were alternative energy is in a development. My students learn best through experiences, by experiencing the boons and current banes of alternative energy first hand, I feel that they will develop a great understand and a drive to take these technologies to the next level. They will also be more prepared and able to help other understand and use this technology when it becomes mainstream.